Sunday, October 28, 2012

10/27/12 This week's news

Hey!!! Love you tons too!

It has been an amazing week and yes I've been wearing my sweaters and coats etc. but it hasn't snowed yet. The rain is worse than the cold hahah. I'm not excited for snow. The pictures of Mya and Olivia are awesome! We are having a Halloween party at the church instead of English class and I am probably going to dress up as a prophet and my comp is going to be the book of Mormon. It's going to be sweet! I'll probably be able to send you pictures of our investigators etc. from that, so win win. Other than that most people have never done Halloween before. Just seen it on TV and stuff. We did see a thing at this park by our apartment the other day though with a bunch of little kids and what not. Adam's costume sounds cool and Mara had better dress up. I remember Iron Chef pretty well because the Priests won everytime because of my shakes. B)

I'm so glad Uncle Merril is coming home! Sounds like a tough situation still, but I'll keep praying!!!

I still don't understand the ultrasound photos Lauren sent, but cool that you're going early to find out! Gives you more time to go crazy over what specific clothes to buy and stuff? haha just kidding, but I'm excited ;)

That's pretty crazy that every one went to Sabrina's party. I didn't know Mara was dancing, but that's cool! Greek food sounds great too. Headaches? What are you doing? We have an investigator who is way close to getting baptized who keeps missing church because she gets sick too. Be careful! How is your job going lately?
I really like reading the conference talks on paper too. We can get Liahona, but it's kinda tricky. We have a ton of old ones. A lot in Japanese too...
Congrats to Tohi! Any news on girls who are deciding to go out at 19 now?

So this week has been pretty cool with meeting people and getting stuff done. Monday was President's birthday at the honbu. Tuesday was district meeting, then getting two lessons switched to another day so we just went around finding people. Hansen Choro has been having me lead everywhere so I can know the area better since I'll probably still be here after next transfer, but he won't. Then it was planning session that turned into having a lesson with the previous mentioned investigator (Nakamura) on the phone. Then Eikaiwa that night (English class). Wednesday we had a lesson in person at the church with Nakamura and another with Haramai (Nodoka's mom) and they were both really good. The two lessons from the day before had to get moved again so we went to Chitose early to street and go to eat at the Relief Society president's house. We played this game where you pass a paper around and draw someone's face one part at a time. Oh man... We also shared a spiritual message then. Friday we finally met with one of the two people from before and he brought his friend! They were really cool at it was our first time meeting (other than the time we got the one kid's number on the street) and we taught a pretty decent lesson on God and prayer, but making a baptismal date didn't quite work. They want to meet more though so that's way good! Both 18 yr olds. Saturday was the other lesson that didn't work and it was WAY good! We gave him a tour of the church, talked about baptism, then sang a hymn and talked about how coming to church/prayer helps us relax and invited him to be baptized on 12/22 and he said yes! It was way cool. It was the first time I got to be in a lesson like that. His name is Atsuki and he is 18 as well. We also played ping pong with a recent convert's son named Yuuta who we want to get coming to church/baptized because he just turned 11. He wore me out way bad. Haha! Yesterday was the primary program which was way nostalgic. Shy kids and everything. Pretty similar to the ones back home. Other than that an *eternal investigator* (I am missionary 172 that he's met) named Doi came to church so we had gospel principles just for him and the lesson turned into a focus on him getting baptized. My comp tried to challenge him, but it didn't work out. The spirit was way strong and the teacher was offering to take him to Hakodate to do family history work so he can prepare to go to the temple after, but it didn't quite work out either. We are thinking his time is soon though.

So that's my week in a nutshell. I feel bad that I haven't told so many stories yet, but I'll do better in my letters from now on. Love you tons and I hope everything is going great!!! I'm sending a letter soon for the Teachers quorum and Adam, Lauren, and Mara's birthday.

Hutchinson Choro

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